My Favorite Parenting Books of 2017

If you’re looking for some wisdom in a specific area of parenting, you might want to consider reading (or listening) to one of these parenting books I enjoyed in 2017. I had the opportunity to interview most of the authors on my podcast. You can listen to my 20-25 minute interviews with the authors to learn the key points decide if you want to read the book yourself!

Get Savvy: Letters to a Teenage Girl about Sex and Love, Kathleen Buckstaff

If you have a preteen or teenage daughter, I highly recommend you read this book and then have your daughter read it, as well. Buckstaff shares many important messages about both preventing sexual assault and dealing with its aftermath.

Listen to my interview with author Kathleen Buckstaff in Episode 12: Teaching Teen Girls to “Get Savvy”.

Read more about Get Savvy: Letters to a Teenage Girl about Sex and Love.

The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Tell Your Family History, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More

This book has great family happiness tips Feiler gathered from areas outside of parenting – including the business world. Many of the books that have inspired my own parenting are not parenting books but instead are about human nature, positive psychology, management and leadership. I’ve found that “best practices” at work – including regular meetings, direct communication, and praise, also translate to best practices at home.

I really like how Feiler integrated real-world examples into applicable tips for families. I’ll try to get him on my podcast in 2018!

Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World

Heitner’s book offers simple suggestions and ideas to counter the stress we feel around our kids and our own screen use. Heitner’s book inspired me to change my negative views about technology and become more of a “tech positive” parent.

I had a great chat with author Devorah Heitner during Episode 19: Being a “Tech Positive” Parent.

The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money

This book really opened my eyes to how difficult it is to address money issues with our kids. For most of us, we were raised by parents who didn’t openly share with kids about financial issues, as it was considered an adult, “private” issue.

I learned a lot of strategies that I am working to implement to help my kids learn about how to manage money, how to decide what causes to donate to, and how decisions about how we spend our money are decisions about our values.

Listen to my interview with Ron Lieber in Episode 11: The Opposite of Spoiled with Ron Lieber.

Ignore It!: How Selectively Looking the Other Way Can Decrease Behavioral Problems and Increase Parenting Satisfaction

Experienced family coach Catherine Pearlman found herself giving the same advice to parents of toddlers, teens, and every age in-between – Ignore It! This is not a book about being a permissive parent, but instead offers clear guidance on how to use selective ignoring paired with positive attention to get our kids to do more of what we want them to be doing and less of what we don’t want.

Listen to my interview with author Catherine Pearlman in Episode 14: Ignore It!

Born to Be Wild: Why Teens Take Risks, and How We Can Help Keep Them Safe

Many of our assumptions about teenagers – and the way we have been educating them on important topics like alcohol, drugs, and sex -are incorrect. In this eye-opening book, learn specific strategies to keep your teenager safe.

Listen to my interview with author Dr. Jess Shatkin in Episode 16: Born to be Wild.

More Parenting Book Recommendations

A few years ago, I wrote about 15 Books That Inspire My Parenting. These are still my favorites, and I keep them handy and refer to the them often. Join me in 2018 as I read and review the following books that are on my “to read” list!


2018 Reading List

Here are a few books that are at the top of my “to read” parenting list for 2018:

The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience in Your Child

I read an advance copy and LOVE this book. I highly recommend it and will be referring to it more in future posts and podcasts. You can listen to my Facebook Live interview with Tina Bryson here.

Here are a few more in my “to read” pile. What are you planning on reading in 2018?



Please comment and let me know what books have positively influenced your parenting. I’m always adding to my list!


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