My Biggest Fan

Mom & me, 1983
Mother’s Day 2020
In anticipation of Mother’s Day, I took some time going through some pictures of my mom today. The pictures remind me…
How my mom, to me, has always been the most beautiful, glamorous, put-together, high fashion woman in the world.

Just your typical diaper-changing outfit, 1967.

That hair! 1969

I didn’t inherit her knack for glamour, but she accepted me just the way I am. 1980s

Still glamorous. 2020
How my mom has always been what we refer to in our family as a “fun hog.” She’s always had the ability to live in the moment, enjoy life, and fiercely love her family. She’s never worried about getting places on time or getting things done. She just lives life to the fullest.

Giving me her full attention, 1967.

Planning fun trips with friends, almost always involving water (lakes & beaches). 1970s

Ready for a hike, 1980s.

Enjoying our Lanz nighties, 1977.

Karaoke singing, 1990s.

Loving on some of her favorite people in the world, 1990s.

Dressing up with dad, 1990s.
How she would do anything to take care of me, and always fed me yummy food. A few of the delicious foods she served, and I learned to love myself, include:
Wheat Bread
Bran Muffins
Halibut, Dover Sole, Swordfish
Turkey sandwiches
Chicken Divan
Sweet Potato Carrot Puree
Chocolate, Chocolate Cake
and so many more delicious things.

Feeding me good food, from the beginning of my life all the way through – home-cooked meals that always included a salad were a staple dinner throughout my childhood.

I was on bedrest for 8 weeks before my daughter was born, and I couldn’t travel anywhere for the holidays. My mom and dad came to our tiny rental house in Santa Monica and prepared Christmas dinner, 1993.
I attribute my love of reading – and writing – to my mom’s influence. She’s always loved reading. She read to me every day when I was little, and kept me surrounded by books when I was a child. My earliest memories are of her reading (and re-reading) Are You My Mother? until I was able to recite the entire book myself, amazing my pre-school teachers with my ability to “read.” She read profusely throughout my childhood with novels she couldn’t put down keeping her up late into the night. Her knowledge of obscure trivia, due to her voracious reading, has always astounded others. Her obsession with crossword puzzles and her ability to defeat us all in Scrabble are legendary. She’s a lover of words who passed on that love to me and to my girls.
I knew you were on my side, even when I was wrong.
-Taylor Swift, “Best Day”
Mother’s Day, 2014
I’ve spent my first twenty years of mothering trying to be more like my mom.
On this Mother’s Day, I’d like to give a shout-out to my mom and pinpoint a few of the reasons my mom is such a great one:
My mom thinks I’m awesome and reminds me often. In this sometimes harsh, competitive, critical world, it’s comforting to have a cheerleader who’s always on my side. I know she’s biased, but that’s okay. Even when I rightfully lost an award or didn’t get offered a job I wanted, she still truly believed that I was the better candidate. Her support and encouragement bolsters me and, seeing myself through her rose-colored glasses, has helped me through some hard days. It’s nice to know that, in her eyes at least, I’m awesome.
My mom always lavished lots of hugs and kisses on me, even when I acted unlovable.
My mom, through her modeling, has taught me to laugh at flaws and imperfections and be graceful in accepting them.
My mom created many fun, childhood memories for me and even now continues to create fun family memories. I remember singing at the top of our lungs to Captain and Tenille on a long road trip and attending many fun social events with other families (I realize now she had to arrange all that!). Now, she loves organizing fun family trips.
My mom has always been available to me and interested in my life. I remember getting home from school and having a snack in the kitchen while she listened to my super long stories about what happened at school that day.
As a young mom twenty years ago, I worried that I could never live up to the wonderfulness of my mother. Because my personality is very different from hers, I just didn’t think I’d be as good at it. But she tells me I’m an awesome mom, so I’ll believe her.
Happy Mother’s Day to my biggest fan!