Sharing three good things with each other during daily family sharing is a great way to connect AND grow gratitude.
It’s simple. During sharing time, each person shares three good things that happened in their day OR three things they’re grateful for.
This gratitude exercise (when written down) has been proven to reduce depression symptoms. While your family sharing won’t be written down (unless you choose to do so), it can still bring a positive focus to your family.
Because of the way our brains are wired, we will each be looking for more positives! You might even start saying to one another, throughout the day, “That’s going to be one of my good things!” In anticipating the daily gratitude sharing, everyone will be more aware of and looking out for the positive things that happen every day!
Like this tip? My book – Happy Campers: 9 Summer Camp Secrets for Raising Kids Who Become Thriving Adults – is chock full of research-backed strategies for connecting with our kids and cultivating character traits (like gratitude!) and social skills that help them thrive now AND later in life.
Why Family Dinner is Important
Ep. 114: Precursors to Gratitude