Ep. 20: The Yes Brain with Tina Payne Bryson, PhD
A ‘Yes Brain’ is one that is open and receptive and resilient. It’s one that, even when something is really hard, we’re willing to stick with it.
-Tina Payne Bryson
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In Episode 20, I’m chatting with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson about her latest book – The Yes Brain – co-authored with Dr. Daniel Siegel. I love this book and highly recommend that every parent, educator, and person who works with kids read it this year. I found it to be helpful not just in my work with kids but in understanding myself (and my own “Yes Brain”!) better.
Tina is a psychotherapist and the Founder/Executive Director of THE CENTER FOR CONNECTION in Pasadena, California, where she offers parenting consultations and provides therapy to children and adolescents. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, where her research explored attachment science, childrearing theory, and the emerging field of interpersonal neurobiology. Dr. Bryson has an unusual knack for taking research and theory from various fields of science and offering it in a way that’s clear, realistic, humorous, and immediately helpful.
Tina speaks internationally to parents, educators, camps, and clinicians. She is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of the New York Times best-selling THE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD and the New York Times best-selling NO-DRAMA DISCIPLINE, as well as her latest book, THE YES BRAIN.
Advance Praise for The Yes Brain:
“This unique and exciting book shows us how to help children embrace life with all of its challenges and thrive in the modern world. Integrating research from social development, clinical psychology, and neuroscience, it’s a veritable treasure chest of parenting insights and techniques.” – Carol Dweck, author of Mindset
“Bottom line: every parent wants to raise a strong-minded, resilient, caring child. We just don’t know exactly how; we open our mouths and we sing our parents’ tired refrain, “No… no…no.” In The Yes Brain, Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s teach us how to cultivate a receptive, curious brain in our children. I have never read a better, clearer explanation of the impact parenting can have on a child’s brain and personality.”
– Michael Thompson, Ph.D., co-author Raising Cain
“In today’s busy, competitive culture, allowing our children the space to be themselves is more important than ever. This book provides an escape hatch from the high-stakes mindset. It is a parent’s guide to ensuring health, happiness, and genuine success—a blueprint for raising confident, creative kids in a fear-based world. It’s never too late to implement the science-based strategies that Dan and Tina share.” –Vicki Abeles, producer and co-director, The Race to Nowhere and Beyond Measure
I also interviewed Tina in November on Facebook Live – Check out our video chat!