Thank you for all the ways you prioritize and support your kids. I know you are working hard so that they will succeed in life. But parenting is hard, isn’t it?

Come spend a day learning strategies to raise kids who become thriving adults!

Sara Kuljis and I are excited to invite you to join us for our Raise Thriving Kids: Learn Strategies for Growing the Skills & Character Traits Kids Need workshop in Newport Beach on Friday, September 27 (9 am – 4 pm).

Raise Thriving Kids Workshop Information

We’ll be sharing a bunch of resources, discussions, activities, and ideas to help you:

• Create the Family Culture You Want

• Raise Successful, Thriving Kids

• Build Your Positive Parenting Toolbox

• Love The Child You Have

In addition to the workshop, lunch, and resources, we are also offering four follow-up video chats with participants to help review and reinforce what you learn.

A signed copy of my new book, Happy Campers: 9 Summer Camp Secrets for Raising Kids Who Become Thriving Adults, is also included in the registration!

Sara and I have trained thousands of camp counselors and parents and partnered on many trainings and events, including these podcast episodes:

Episode 28: Focusing on our Kids’ Strengths
Episode 82: Sibling Conflict (Part 1)
Episode 85: Grit is Grown Outsider the Comfort Zone (PEGtalk)

I hope you’ll join Sara and me for this 1-Day live, interactive parenting workshop that will help you make this the happiest, most connected and growth-filled year ever for your family!

Here’s to raising Happy Campers!

P.S. Please share information about the workshop to any friends who you think might be interested.

Raise Thriving Kids Workshop Info