Thank you for all the ways you prioritize and support your kids. I know you are working hard so that they will succeed in life. But parenting is hard, isn’t it?
Come spend a day learning strategies to raise kids who become thriving adults!
Sara Kuljis and I are excited to invite you to join us for our Raise Thriving Kids: Learn Strategies for Growing the Skills & Character Traits Kids Need workshop in Newport Beach on Friday, September 27 (9 am – 4 pm).
Raise Thriving Kids Workshop Information
We’ll be sharing a bunch of resources, discussions, activities, and ideas to help you:
• Create the Family Culture You Want
• Raise Successful, Thriving Kids
• Build Your Positive Parenting Toolbox
• Love The Child You Have
In addition to the workshop, lunch, and resources, we are also offering four follow-up video chats with participants to help review and reinforce what you learn.
A signed copy of my new book, Happy Campers: 9 Summer Camp Secrets for Raising Kids Who Become Thriving Adults, is also included in the registration!
Sara and I have trained thousands of camp counselors and parents and partnered on many trainings and events, including these podcast episodes:
Episode 28: Focusing on our Kids’ Strengths
Episode 82: Sibling Conflict (Part 1)
Episode 85: Grit is Grown Outsider the Comfort Zone (PEGtalk)
I hope you’ll join Sara and me for this 1-Day live, interactive parenting workshop that will help you make this the happiest, most connected and growth-filled year ever for your family!
Here’s to raising Happy Campers!
P.S. Please share information about the workshop to any friends who you think might be interested.