
Today is Day 22 of my Happiness Hacks series.

RememberingI’m visiting my parents this weekend, and today’s happiness hack was working on my dad’s autobiography with him.

About ten years ago, inspired by a friend who had written a book about his life for his kids and grandkids, my dad decided to do the same. He wanted to record some of the events of his life and let us all know what his childhood and career were like. He also wanted to pass along some life lessons he learned along the way.

A few years ago, with the book mostly written but not quite finished, and my dad’s interest in it waning, we enlisted the help of a writer friend to tie up the loose ends and finish the book.


First draft of the book cover

Today my dad and I spent time reviewing a few chapters he wanted to edit, looked through old pictures, and reflected on his remarkable life. I read aloud and he told me changes, and together we put the finishing touches on this book project.

Remembering, sharing, reflecting, and connecting with my dad are a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

With my dad at his 70th birthday, six years ago.

With my dad at his 70th birthday, six years ago.

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