Tag Archives forhow to raise thriving kids

Hug Your Teen Today

“The most important assignment a mom has is to nurture her children.” Tim Sanford, M.A. (Losing Control & Liking It) Significant research has shown that babies need a lot of nurturing in order to thrive.  But I think that nurturing is just as vital for our older kids and teenagers as it is was when…


4 Parenting Challenges and How Camp Can Help

In today’s digital, fast-moving, ultra-competitive world, raising kids who grow into happy, independent adults has become more challenging for parents. Quality summer camp programs offer an experience that many parents have found to benefit their child’s development of important life skills.  Independence, perseverance, and social skills are just a few of the skills that campers learn…


Two Ways to Be a Better Parent

This weekend, I had the pleasure of listening to Madeline Levine, PhD. (author of The Price of Privilege, Teach Your Children Well) speak at my favorite annual camp conference. Dr. Levine has insight as to why so many of our children are suffering from terrible mental health issues (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sleeping issues, self-mutilation, etc.). …