Category Archives for Friendship & Social Skills

Two Ways to Be a Better Parent

This weekend, I had the pleasure of listening to Madeline Levine, PhD. (author of The Price of Privilege, Teach Your Children Well) speak at my favorite annual camp conference. Dr. Levine has insight as to why so many of our children are suffering from terrible mental health issues (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sleeping issues, self-mutilation, etc.). …


Focusing on Kindness

This summer’s theme is “Cool 2B Kind.” We’ll focus on being kind to one another and carrying out acts of kindness (referred to as “GACs of kindness”), both big and small, that help form the strong friendships that GAC is all about. From the moment campers arrive, counselors will encourage them to think more about…


Good Gifts

The best thing you can give your children, next to good habits, are good memories. -Sydney Harris Our home is overrun with more electronic gadgets than there are people.  And, with our kids beyond the age where they ask for small toys, it’s difficult to think of a gift that is remotely needed other than…

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