The Tough Twenties series continues with a discussion of skills to work on to be ready for adulthood, a mindset shift for parents and young adults, and how to foster connection and friendships rather than competition.


In this episode, I share about my “Ready for Adulthood Checklist”

Listener Question:

This week I give my response to this listener question, which was submitted on my survey:

“How to see school/work/social gatherings as a common ground of building friendship rather than a competition of who is better (performance, looks, etc.)”

Get in touch:

Submit an anonymous topic request or question for the series

Download my “Ready for Adulthood Checklist”

Send me an email


Happy Campers Book

Ep. 127: The New Adolescence with Christine Carter, Ph.D.

[ENCORE] Ep. 159: The Social Dilemma

Why Summer Camp May be the Secret to a Longer Life

Ep. 171: Julie Lythcott-Haims talks about YOUR TURN: How to be an Adult

Ep. 170: Adulting with Emma Liberman

Self-Reflection Ideas:

More of, Less of, Same of (MO, LO, SO)

[Encore] Ep. 119: Year-End Reflection Activities