summer camp

Why do parents send their kids to summer camp?

Is your kid going to camp this summer? Congratulations!

You’re giving them an experience that may have many life-long, positive benefits. You are giving them the opportunity to grow and develop skills and character traits that are often hard to develop in the comforts of home.

Let this list remind you about some of the many reasons why you are being a great parent by sending your child to camp this summer!

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What are some of the benefits of summer camp for kids?

#1 They feel happier.

Camp makes me happy and nothing can prepare me for life as well as this environment.

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Study Finds Campers Really are Happy

Why Kids Flourish at Camp 

summer camp sailing

#2 They discover their best self.

Being at camp gives me this sense of belonging that I’ve never felt anywhere else.

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10 Surprising Things Kids Learn at Camp 

#3 They grow their grit.

The counselors challenged me to do things I wouldn’t normally do at home.

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5 Ways Camp Grows Grit 

backpacking summer camp

#4 They meet positive role models.

Camp has made me into a leader, having the best role models as my counselors to look up to.

#5 They develop better communication skills.

The other part of camp that has influenced me the most is the simple idea of trying to always smile.

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10 Social Skills Kids Learn at Camp

3 Communication Skills Your Child Needs 

friendship summer camp

#6 They grow more independent.

Going to camp has made me even more independent and a much better people-person. I am able to go confidently up to someone and introduce myself, or hang out with someone new because of my time at camp.

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Parking Your Helicopter

#7 They experience outdoor fun and adventure.

I have so many fond memories of camp that I can’t choose a particular one. However, some of my favorites memories include sleeping under the stars, doing fun activities, and spending time with friends.

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7 Reasons to Get Outside

summer camp zipline

#8 They relax.

The atmosphere is so relaxed.

#9 They unplug.

Camp has helped me appreciate nature and the outdoors a lot more than I think I would have if I didn’t go. I can go without my phone or connection to social media awhile, because camp has shown me that amazing stuff happens when you put your phone down and have a nice conversation with someone.

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Five Reasons to Unplug

Get Unplugged 

summer camp friends

#10 They become better at making and keeping friends.

I feel like I have become a kinder person and am better at making friends because of camp.

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Friends: Finding Gold in a Plastic Era.

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10 Surprising Things Kids Learn at Summer Camp

Study Finds Campers Really are Happy

Research finds Children Learn Social Skills at Camp

Why Kids Flourish at Camp

Five Ways Camp Grows Grit

10 Social Skills Kids Learn at Camp

Making Friends, 3 Communication Skills Your Child Needs


Increased Levels of Anxiety and Depression as Teenage Experience Changes over Time (Nuffield Foundation)

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