Tag Archives foranxiety

[ENCORE] Ep. 151: Dealing with Uncertainty & Building Resilience with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

SHOW NOTES My guest this week is Dr. Nicole Beurkens. As a licensed clinical psychologist with advanced degrees in psychology, education, and nutrition, Dr. Nicole Beurkens is the world’s leading holistic child psychologist. She has dedicated her 22+ year career to providing parents with research-based strategies that get to the root of children’s attention, anxiety,…


Ep. 167: Conscious Coparenting after Divorce with Dr. Jenna Flowers

Through her psychotherapy practice and her own experience as a divorced mother of three children, Dr. Jenna Flowers knows the importance of prioritizing children’s well-being and practicing “conscious coparenting.” Her book, The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Coparenting: A Mindful Approach to Creating a Collaborative, Positive Parenting Plan, About Dr. Jenna Flowers Dr. Jenna Flowers has…


Ep. 133: What’s Working (and What’s Not!) During COVID-19

Show Notes Hi Friends, I hope you are staying healthy and somewhat sane during these unbelievably unpredictable and anxiety-inducing times. Life continues to be completely different from normal, and I’m gathering and sharing resources I think you’ll find helpful and encouraging. Below, find notes and photos about what I talked about in this week’s episode!…


Ep. 131: Coaching for the Love of the Game

Show notes & links available here. In this podcast episode, I interview college professor and author Dr. Jennifer Etnier about the importance of having a positive impact on kids when coaching youth sports. Her book, Coaching for the Love of the Game: a Practical Guide for Working with Young Athletes, outlines simple strategies that coaches…


The Blessing of the Least Favorite Activity

Wendy Mogel’s best selling book, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, resonated with me. I can relate much of her message to camp and to my own family.   I heard Dr. Mogel speak at a camp conference several years ago, and she continues to be active in the camp community.  Many of our camp parents…


Ep. 73: Under Pressure with Lisa Damour

That was my aim in writing the book-  was both to offer reassurance, and then practical strategies for managing the stress and anxiety that will, invariably, come up. -Lisa Damour In episode 73, I’m chatting with Lisa Damour, Ph.D., the New York Times best-selling author of Untangled- Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into…