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Show Notes
Hi Friends,
I hope you are staying healthy and somewhat sane during these unbelievably unpredictable and anxiety-inducing times.
Life continues to be completely different from normal, and I’m gathering and sharing resources I think you’ll find helpful and encouraging. Below, find notes and photos about what I talked about in this week’s episode!
Let me know what’s working for you during COVID-19 quarantine! I’d love to share your ideas with our community.
P.S. The picture in this week’s title is from 16 years ago. We haven’t had any scenes like that in the past two weeks (or the past 14 years) around here!
More to listen to/watch from this past week
Advice & Encouragement for Parents of Younger Kids
• Creative Learning Ideas for Younger Kids.
Advice & Encouragement for Parents of High Schoolers
• Daily Activities Checklist & other Strategies for Working with Your (Now) Homeschooling Teen
Advice & Encouragement for Bringing Camp Home from Ariella Rogge of Sanborn Western Camps
• Bringing Camp Home with Ariella Rogge
Advice & Encouragement for Bringing Camp Home from Mike & Mary Endres of Camp Chippewa for Boys
• Bringing Camp Home with Mike & Mary Endres
Advice & Encouragement from Experienced Homeschool Parent Kate Rader
• Experienced Homeschool Parent Kate Rader
Notes from Episode 133
Things that AREN’T working
I’m finding that I am easily distracted and having trouble focusing on anything that requires a lot of brain power. When I’m reading something, I often need to go back and re-read the paragraph I just read, because the words didn’t register.
Planning Ahead
Whenever the conversation (or my thoughts) turn to what’s going to be happening in a week, or a month, or three months, I realize that none of us knows and it’s not productive to think too much beyond today or the next few days.
Overly Ambitious “To Do” Lists
Despite there seeming to exist a lot of extra time (no more commute, dropping kids off/picking up, appointments, etc.), the day seems to drift by in a partial fog and I am not getting much done.
Things that ARE working:
Lots of Digital Connection
I’ve had a big increase in Zoom Meetings, FaceTime Calls, and Texts, and that’s been working for me.
Work group: Morning meeting Monday-Friday at 9am using Google Hangout; Group text message
“Virtual Dinner Party” with friends last Saturday
Advice & Encouragement Series (on Facebook Live) – Connecting, Seeking, & Sharing advice
My Morning Routine/Daily Checklist
• Quiet time (Bible reading/journaling with my coffee)
• Making my bed
• Exercising (Peloton plug)
• Showering and getting dressed in clothes (PJ change at 8pm)
Using my normal Planner
Daily Family Time
• Dinner together & sharing highs & lows
“I miss my friends.”
-16 year old’s daily low
Other family fun we’ve tried:
Watched ONWARD (cried!)
A Puzzle:
Working on a 1000-piece 1980s puzzle (only my oldest daughter & I are currently interested in this). The puzzle industry is likely thriving right now. This puzzle is now out of stock due to it’s popularity, but I saw some other 80s puzzle when I searched for it again. A friend suggested we start passing puzzles. Perhaps we can leave on front porches, let sit for 24 hours, and spray them down before using? IDK!
My attempt at helping the cause – sewing a face mask cover.

More of an octopus than a face mask!
Auto correct fails
Entertaining videos shared by friends
Advice & Resources I’m finding helpful
Laura Vanderkam’s Before Breakfast Podcast: Measure the day by task, not time (6 minutes)
On Digital Minimalism & Pandemics, Cal Newport
Quick read. He urges us to check news ONCE per day instead of constant checking & scrolling.