Tag Archives forchris thurber

Ep. 22 Jedi Mom Tricks (Part 1) with Maria Horner

These really aren’t ‘tricks.’… In order for any of this stuff to work…you have to have a strong relationship with the kids you’re trying to use these on. -Maria Horner In Episode 22, Maria Horner shares some of the important lessons she’s learned as a mom and now passes along to her summer staff each…


10 Messages for a Homesick Camper

Many kids experience some homesickness at camp – most often the sad feelings flare up during down times like meals, rest time, or at bedtime. While they’re busy with activities and their minds are occupied, most kids feel fine and say the fun they have at camp far outweighs any sad feelings. Homesickness is a…


Why Being a Camp Counselor is the Best Summer Job

In the summer of 1987, I returned for my second year as a camp counselor. Those summers 30 years ago were transformational for me, and I’ve since witnessed thousands of other lives that have been changed from the experience. I believe every college student would benefit from spending at least one summer as a camp…