Tag Archives forIgnore It

Ep. 162: The Power of Selectively Ignoring Behavior

SHOW NOTES Join the Sunshine Parenting PATREON squad for special perks, including bonus podcast episodes, exclusive posts, and resources! This month’s Patreon resource: 31 Simple Things: 31 of my favorite tips for happier, more connected families. Join Audrey’s email subscriber community for resources and ideas for happier, more connected families.  Frustrated with your kids’ (or…


Ep. 14: Ignore It! with Catherine Pearlman

  In Episode 14 of the Sunshine Parenting podcast, I interview Catherine Pearlman, founder of The Family Coach.  She co-hosts (with her sports writer husband, Jeff Pearlman) The Sports Parent podcast and is author of the recently released parenting book, Ignore It! How Selectively Looking the Other Way Can Decrease Behavioral Problems and Increase Parenting Satisfaction.  We…