The end of one year and beginning of the next offers a unique opportunity to both reflect back and plan ahead. Because I’ve been a journaler and list-maker since I was very young, I’ve always loved this time of transition and chance to start fresh. If you read my life-changing books post, then you know…
READ MOREHi Friends, Does anyone else enjoy marking the end of one year and the beginning of the next? Maybe it’s because I’ve always loved calendars and planning, but I find it extremely psychologically satisfying to close the book on one year and open up a fresh page to a new one. I always feel there’s…
READ MORESHOW NOTES Hi Podcast Listeners, This episode is the second in my two-part conversation with Sara Kuljis. Last week, in Episode 152, Sara and I discussed what we need to do for ourselves as we transition into more pandemic disruption in our families this fall. This week, we discuss strategies for dealing with the continued…
READ MOREThis is my August installment of my One Simple Thing tip for having a happier and more connected family. Each month this year, I’ve been sharing something I’ve learned from my years at camp that families can try at home to create some of the fun, happiness, and connection that we create at summer camp…