Show notes & links available here. In this episode, I’m talking to Lenore Skenazy about how letting her 9-year-old son ride the subway alone in New York City led to her being labeled the “World’s Worst Mom” and sparked the Free-Range Kids movement. Her book, Free-Range Kids: How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children Without Going…
READ MORESHOW NOTESWe know about 70% of parents say that tech use is a constant battle in their home. And I think that we need to recognize that issue goes beyond tech. It really is impacting our relationships, our attachment with our children, their sense of identity, even self esteem.Dr. Dr. Shimi Kang Monitoring our kids’ tech…
READ MOREIn Episode 100, I’m chatting with an amazing group of young adults ages 16 and 17 who participated in a month-long junior counselor program. They share their thoughts on ways parents can raise thriving, independent and responsible young adults. BIG IDEAS To help kids learn, gain confidence and independence, there are things parents should be…
READ MOREBeing at camp gives me this sense of belonging that I’ve never felt anywhere else. I know that I can be myself and that my cabin mates will love me for who I am, and I’ve brought that to my life outside of camp. -Hannah Each summer, tens of thousands of teens leave their phones and car…
READ MOREAnyone who’s been reading my blog knows that I’m a big proponent of getting kids “unplugged.” I love that they get two weeks of tech free time to focus on face-to-face relationships while they’re at camp. Unfortunately, I think many of them fall back into their same tech habits, and those of their parents,…