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This is genius

“Summer camp magic translated to home life … this is genius. Easy takeaways for home to promote closer connections with our children.” “Read a chapter, let it resonate … then read the next! This book is the perfect guide for raising connected children in today’s fast-paced world.”


Packed with great, practical, easy to apply suggestions

“Camp is the greatest tool and environment to build life-long skills and qualities in young people, and this book expertly describes in a clear, warm, and interesting way how parents can take what works at camp and use it at home every day to help kids become responsible, independent, and caring adults.”  “This highly useful View Full →


Tremendous insight into youth development

“Audrey Monke has tremendous insight into youth development, and a great gift of being able to articulate it for parents, young and not so young. Working with children in a camp setting, we get the rare opportunity to teach children who are temporarily disconnected from their loving parents, and oh, what wonderful progress we make View Full →


Full of practical and powerful tools

“HAPPY CAMPERS–full of practical and powerful tools that parents can immediately put into practice–lights a path to help parents nurture a culture of connection in our homes…to help our children become their best selves.”

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