Category Archives for Parenting

Catch Them Doing the Right Thing

I’ve often thought it would be great if all parents could go through the kind of training and orientation we provide our counselors before they start working with kids during the summer. I’ve heard many times from past counselors that they learned a lot of their parenting techniques from working at camp! Often, parents and…


Two Ways to Be a Better Parent

This weekend, I had the pleasure of listening to Madeline Levine, PhD. (author of The Price of Privilege, Teach Your Children Well) speak at my favorite annual camp conference. Dr. Levine has insight as to why so many of our children are suffering from terrible mental health issues (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sleeping issues, self-mutilation, etc.). …


Let the Kids Cook Dinner

  One of my parenting role models is a fictional animal.  She’s the lead character in the children’s book The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, which was written by Du Bose Heyward in 1939.  I can see why the book was written in 1939.  No one today would write a book like this…


Parking Your Helicopter

“The study, released Feb. 12, found that behaviors associated with helicopter parenting have a negative impact on the college-aged adult’s feelings of autonomy, competency, and their relationship with their parents. Conventional wisdom in the field of psychology suggests that these three characteristics are necessary for healthy emergence into adulthood.” -Andrew Averill, The Christian Science Monitor…


Gratitude Revisited

I couldn’t let this year end without revisiting the theme of gratitude, which became an important focus this year for my family, for camp, and for me personally. While I have some free time over this holiday week, I want to refocus on gratitude and rededicate myself to some of my own gratitude practices, which…



Jack You are my best friend. We had fun together. I will miss you. I will talk to you in my prayers. I love you Jack. Love,  John Countless times over the past week my throat has constricted and my eyes have filled with tears as I read about the children, families, and heroes of…


Good Gifts

The best thing you can give your children, next to good habits, are good memories. -Sydney Harris Our home is overrun with more electronic gadgets than there are people.  And, with our kids beyond the age where they ask for small toys, it’s difficult to think of a gift that is remotely needed other than…